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  • 19 Oct 2015 1:28 PM | Anonymous
    From Cantor Lee

    Today one of our seventh graders became a Bar Mitzvah, a Son of the Commandments. In his speech this boy explained that he had been asked a very important  question by his parents a few years ago when he was ten. He didn't have to make a decision then but with no hesitation he did. Yes, he wanted to follow the faith of his father, his grandfather and his great-grandfather.

    The boy grew up with many stories about his great-grandfather, of how as a teenager he saved his six siblings and parents during the Holocaust. Each night he would take one of his family members on his bicycle and ride miles and miles through much danger to bring them to safety. He managed to get to America and there like so many others worked and saved money in order to bring over his family, again, one by one.

    The great-grandfather and grandfather and rest of the family were overjoyed that the boy had made this decision! As it got closer to his Bar Mitzvah year, there was much excitement and planning that the great-grandfather would come from New York for the ceremony. But he passed away just a few months ago.

    The boy knew that his great-grandfather put on Tefillin each day and wanted to make sure he knew how to do this as well. He came to Hebrew School with his own pair and asked Rabbi David to teach him. He understood that Tefillin is not worn on Shabbat but since today was a weekday he would wear the Tefillin throughout the service. Rabbi David was especially proud that the boy knew exactly what to do as  he expertly put on the Tefillin, recited the blessings and unwrapped it at the end of the service.  Information about Tefillin

    The boy did a beautiful job chanting from the Torah although it was actually the first time he even actually read from the Torah! Yes he knew how to chant it from the paper but the handwritten letters without vowels in the Torah looks quite different. Although planned, he didn't have a chance to attend his rehearsals.  But that didn't phase him.  

    It didn't even phase the boy that he didn't even know what to expect. None of that mattered. He would not only be honoring his greatgrandfather but today he would be giving a gift to his grandfather. You see, this  grandfather who had been battling cancer, was determined to stay alive in order to see his grandson become a Bar Mitzvah. But in the last week it was clear that this was not to be.

    So with the family,  Rabbi David and I planned a last minute service to be held in the hospice facility. After the grandfather was brought into the chapel, the family members and dear friends gathered around  his bed. The boy stood right by his grandfather's side and led the prayers. When it came time for the reading of the Torah, the table was brought right in front of the bed.

    As did everyone else, I cried many tears during the service. And more came when the boy told his grandfather,  "Papa, it is not whether you lose or win the fight against cancer. What counts is the fight you give and you have fought courageously. You are My Hero!"

    Afterwards I said to the boy, "I know Justin,  that your Bar Mitzvah service is still a few weeks away, but today is the day that you truly became a Bar Mitzvah." We hugged for a long time and I continued to cry.

    After the grandfather was wheeled back to his room, Justin's father came over to Rabbi David and me to thank us. "My father said this was the happiest day of his life. What more could I ask for?"

    What more could Rabbi David and I ask for....We are truly blessed.

    Here is Justin learning to put on Tefillin at Hebrew School. He is now ready for the last step - wrapping his finger with three loops.

  • 27 Sep 2015 4:00 PM | Anonymous

    From Cantor Lee: After the inner cleansing of the High Holy Days, we receive balancing and Joy as we connect to  Mother Earth and Nature by spending time in a sukkah, a hut or temporary dwelling,  during the week long holiday of Sukkkot which this year begins sundown, Sunday, September 27th. And when we see the stars and moon at night through the roof... what can be more beautiful!!

     This year the sky will be even more spectacular as there will be a  supermoon, which only comes around once a year that will be 14% larger than usual and 30% brighter.  It will then  be engulfed by an eclipse for more than an hour. Spiritually this is seen as a time for spiritual growth and new beginnings. Happy Sukkot!!

    From Rabbi David: In this world of high tech, it can sometimes seem as though we are merging into one entity with our I phones and computers. With their dependence on gadgets, many of our "digital native" children prefer to communicate with their peers through texting.  Free time means TV, the computer or video games. The time spent outside is extremely limited.    

    Nature? What’s that?

     Enter the holiday of Sukkot!

    A time to celebrate our wonderful origin as people of Mother Earth.

    Like all of our Jewish customs, we blend our “earthly” Succot celebration with  the celebration of the spirit. We remember that Mother Earth provides all of our needs.

    Indeed, Sukkot is the Jewish holiday of Thanksgiving in which the rest of the summer harvest is gathered. Our ancestors used to build a sukkah, a small hut, this time of the year to be able to spend as much time in the field (including spending the night) to insure the completion of the harvest before the strong fall rains (the “yoreh” – literally shooting rain) would  arrive and spoil the crops.

    The actual act of building and spending time in a sukkah in our modern day helps return us back to nature even if it is only for a short time. It reminds us that we are more than “electronic creatures.”  The rhythms and sounds of nature are meant to balance us, to bring us back into harmony. 

     The biblical commandment to sit in a sukkah is based on the explanation that our ancestors sat in huts while wandering around the harsh desert, drifting from one place to another. It is therefore our obligation to remember that the road to freedom can be grueling, long and exhausting.  Sukkot, therefore, also celebrates what we Jewish people have always loved and appreciated and  what we thank the Almighty for, our freedom.    

    Building a hut with a fragile roof of branches  is spiritually very significant as well. It is about the belief in a Higher Power who watches and protects us just like a desert hut which is such a welcome relief to a desert dweller. In a way, the tumultuous world we are facing is like a desert, a harsh environment of economical, political  and spiritual turmoil.

    As we partake in the mitzvah of sitting in a sukkah and making a special blessing to honor this custom, we are affirming yet again  that we trust in G-d to help us go through challenging times just as our ancestors have done in every generation.  

    Chag Sameach- A Happy Sukkot to all of us!

  • 24 Sep 2015 8:00 PM | Anonymous

    From Cantor Lee: Rabbi David gave the following sermon on Yom Kippur morning. He is amazed by the outpouring of appreciation and support that is still coming!

    From Rabbi David:                                         

    A Jewish Soul 

    We often use the term "A Jewish Soul"or a "Jewish Neshama" .

    No one can tell exactly what this means. It has to do with the uniqueness of the Jewish entity, the virtues which we attribute  to G-D such as  compassion and sense of justice.

    There is an interesting story about  Abraham making a  deal, a covenant with G-D.

    The  deal was simple: If Abraham would follow G-D's laws,  G-D in turn would give the land of Canaan (which later on became the land  of Israel) to his descendents, for eternity.

    According  to Jewish mystical teachings, we, Abraham descendants, were given a special soul, a Jewish soul so that we will be worthy  to dwell in this secret land given to Abraham.

    According to this spiritual belief a Jewish soul can dwell in any person of any nation. However, it will always yearn to unite with the Jewish people.

    Most of the time this yearning is a secret held by the soul  so that even the person is not aware of the yearning of their own soul.

    A convert to the Jewish faith is given  a Jewish soul at birth and through some kind of revelation during their time on earth  the person becomes aware of their Jewish soul.  

    And it goes  beyond that. Even if a non Jew comes to Judaism purely for the sake of marriage and not at all for theological reasons, somewhere along the line his or her soul still has a Jewish light in it. It wants to unite with the Jewish people,  even if it is in a very limited way.

    There is a famous book in the Bible called the  Book of Ruth which we read during  the holiday of Shavuot. Ruth, a Moabite, becomes a young widow of a Jewish husband who lived in Moab along with his brother  and parents. As the story goes, all the men of the family died.

    When Ruth becomes a widow, she declares her love for her mother in law, Naomi, and that she will  follow her back to Judea to become a part of the Jewish people.

    While  not born Jewish, Ruth's soul yearns to become part of the Jewish people. 

    On the surface this is a classical story of a Gentile who according to Jewish tradition has a "Jewish Soul" and therefore converts to Judaism. This is generally  the way  many Jewish scholars understand the story.

    However, there is an interesting twist to the story. It is important  because it gives  a whole new dimension to the idea of becoming a part of the Jewish people. 

    The story is very specific with what Ruth says to her mother in law, Naomi. Ruth loves her mother in law  so much  that she does not want to leave her. She wants to be with her as Naomi returns  to her homeland.  

    Ruth says,  "Your G-d Is my G-D, your people are my people."

    Notice that Naomi  does not say "My G-D is the G-D of Israel" Rather, she is saying,

    "Whoever is your G-D let Him be my G-D." . This small difference sheds an interesting light of a non Jew becoming  a part of the Jewish people. Notice that I said "becoming a part of, not "converted".

    While the Great Rabbis throughout the centuries assumed that Ruth went through some kind of conversion process when she converted to Judaism she may not have. We really don't know that for sure. And what was the conversion procedure in biblical times anyways?

    We  do know according to a story in the Book of Genesis which involved  Jacob  and his daughter Dina,  that in order to convert,  male Gentiles had to go through  circumcision only. Nothing else was needed.

    In the case of Ruth there is no mention of any particular act in order to convert. The  story of Ruth doesn't seem to care at all about official conversion. Her declaration of her love to her mother in law and Judaism  is enough.

    Ruth's Jewish soul, planted in a gentile, is yearning to come home. The means to this coming home is primarily because of a love for a Jewish person, Ruth's love for Naomi.

    This point is important for us to realize in our modern day life here in America.

    I personally believe that no wedding match between two loving souls, no matter the religion of the two people,  happens by accident.

    Any person, who joins the Jewish people, even simply through marriage,  and even if the person practices  very few or no Jewish traditions or customs, is destined  to do the will of G-D.

    In a modern interfaith marriage, even if Judaism is practiced to a very limited extent, the Jewish light is still burning  and Jewish identity has a good chance to grow  and flourish.

    Whether Ruth, the mother of all converts, ever officially converted or simply joined the Jewish people out of love for her mother in law, she is credited with being  the great grandmother of King David himself. Her "Conversion"  was certainly accepted  by G-D.

    There is no wrong reason  to become a part of the Jewish people. Ruth may have been born a Moabite but her soul was Jewish. Admittedly, tradition and customs are the life line of Judaism, and although I will never diminish their importance, sensible flexibility and thoughtful adaptation to the needs of our generation and beyond is paramount as well, especially in our modern times. 

    The claim that interfaith  marriage is a threat to Jewish survival may be very misleading.

    The lack of sufficient Jewish identity among many Jewish youngsters in an interfaith  family or otherwise has little to do with the fact  that one of the parents may not be Jewish.

    From what I have observed for the vast majority  of the cases,   the non Jewish spouse is happy to help instill Jewish awareness  in the children if the Jewish spouse really wants it.

    In that respect, the children's Jewish awareness and pride has little to do with the interfaith marriage of the parents and everything to do with the Jewish awareness of the Jewish spouse. 

    I have seen that  children of interfaith families, even if raised with more  than one religion are more likely to show pride, care and concern about Judaism and Jewish causes then many children who are raised in a total Jewish household where very little or no Judaism is  practiced.

    Of course, this may not be true  in every case. There are also many children who come from mixed marriages and are raised with neither religion. The parents feel that abstaining from religious education all together is a viable compromise - a very bad mistake.

    And then there are the children who have two Jewish parents and are not raised with Judaism at all as the parents simply don't care.

    In my opinion, more often than not, even if both religions are discussed and practiced in a mixed marriage home, the children still have a solid Jewish identity or at least they know that they are a part of the Jewish people.

    I do not know of any interfaith marriage which has ever been broken because the Jewish spouse insisted  on Jewish exposure for the children with or without Christian exposure as well.

    It is therefore the Attitude of the Jewish spouse  which ingrains Judaism in the kids even if exposure to Jewish practices in the interfaith household is limited.  Children are very good in sensing sincerity in attitude.

    Before  we become concerned about the Jewish identity of children in interfaith marriages, perhaps we need  to be concerned with the many Jewish kids from strictly

    Jewish families who grow up with no Judaism in the house which   leads to no Jewish identity. 

    In an interfaith family, children  stray from Judaism because the Jewish spouse   simply does not care or is willing to completely yield his children's Judaism to another religion.

    Michael Douglas the famous actor, comes from an interfaith family and strongly identifies with Judaism. He is intermarried to Catherine Zeta-Jones. He was just honored with the second annual Genesis Prize.

     This is how he was introduced  to the guests in the auditorium:

     "In the strictest sense, our laureate this year is not a “perfect” Jew. His mother is not Jewish.

      I even suspect that he does not spend every Friday evening in a synagogue and does not follow Kashrut. Yet, he is someone who put his energy and determination into being Jewish, who exercised his free will and showed commitment to follow the path of his ancestors in search for a foundation. Should we deny his Jewishness on the basis of his mother’s birth or should we celebrate it on the basis of his commitment to embrace Judaismand pass his Jewish heritage to his children? Are not free will and determination the essential qualities of the Jews? We can respond to freedom by building barriers and closing up, or we can respond to it by being inclusive and supportive of those who choose a path of Judaism. "

     We should support and encourage those who have made a decision to embrace their Jewish identity and pass their Jewish heritage to their children, like Michael Douglas is doing. We should welcome them with open arms – not turn away from them.

    In a spiritual sense many non Jewish  spouses may have a Jewish soul secretly yearning  to return to the Jewish people whether it is "Converted" according to Rabbinical laws or not.

    Over the years I have seen the yearning power of many Jewish souls to return home. I have conducted wedding  ceremonies for many who came to Judaism  even without official conversion as a part of marrying a Jewish spouse.

    Are these situations different from the story of Ruth who came to Judaism because of her love for Naomi, her mother in law?

     A close colleague of mine Rabbi Barbara  Aiello in Italy tells many stories about many Christian in Italy as well as South America who yearn to become a part of the Jewish people without necessarily officially  converting to Judaism.

     When  Rabbi Barbara asks them why they are in a synagogue they have difficulties explaining the reason. They say that they feel a strange but intense  concern for Judaism and care about Jewish survival.

    As we all know, many of them are descendants  of the Spanish "Conversos" during the Inquisition. And now, after 500 years of Christian life their soul wants to come back to its origin to where it belongs, to Judaism.

    Is it really important that they convert exactly according to tradition?

    Should we not accept  with open arms  anyone who wants to be a part of the Jewish people for whatever reason whether it is  love of a Jewish spouse, or because of theology? 

    It is time  to fight  for our survival  the right way, by responding appropriately to what our modern Jewish life puts in front of us.

    We need to consider interfaith marriage as an opportunity to educate  the next generation towards  a stronger Jewish identity which strengthens Judaism.

    Indeed, the theology of Judaism and Jewish tradition is very important. However, when it comes to our children,  the young men and women of the 21st century,  love and pride in Judaism  must come before strict practice of tradition. Learning more details  about  their Jewishness will easily and naturally follow later on  in college or through the internet.

    When it comes to a Jewish family, whether regular or interfaith, children will learn  what Mom or Dad teach them and model for them about being Jewish even if in the process they also learn about Christianity as well.

    It is about Judaism of the Heart. It is the flame of Love and Pride  in Judaism in our children which needs to burn. Jewish scholarship and expertise are important but can always follow.   

     In this new year, may we see the strengthening of Judaism in all of our children. And may we all remember why we Jews are here on earth. 

    To be G-D's Light of Love, Compassion and Tolerance.


  • 07 Aug 2015 11:30 AM | Anonymous

    First From Cantor Lee:

    During a seminar I recently attended I learned about the work of a classmate who volunteers for an organization that helps families from being deported. In her most recent case, a mother and two young children were saved from returning to their homeland where they would have had to live in fear for their safety. I told the woman that Judaism teaches that saving one life is seen as saving the entire world! My classmate answered "I haven't saved the world! This is just one. There are so many!!"

    She further explained that she was familiar with the teaching but felt it could only be true from the mystic's view point. She couldn't understand this teaching from her viewpoint. I replied that I understood the teaching in the same way she did. It depends on the "world" we are currently living in to determine how we understand this teaching.

    I asked Rabbi David to give his understanding from his world...

    From Rabbi David aka The Reb

    There is a saying in Hebrew which roughly  translates as  "For he who saves one soul, it is as if he saves an entire world".  No other expression has more profound meaning in our tumultuous times than this one. It is the essence of the Jewish people who brought to a barbaric world the idea of sanctity of life and with it the ideals of compassion, kindness and  decency. We the Jewish people, miniscule  in number compared to the world population, are leading the ideological fight against an ever growing monstrous number of fanatics who worship death and are inflicting suffering and destruction all over the world.

    In our modern times this saying has transformed itself from theoretical moral guidance of  the Jewish people to a ray of hope for all people in a world  which appears to be growing darker. This light is a strong one. It gives us the strength to repair the world, making it a better place for our children despite our modern horrifying adversaries. By now, the sanctity of life is well implanted in our hearts and in the hearts of light workers around the world. 

    The idea of saving a life of even one person is an important part of the war against  modern  dark  forces coming from the Middle East and beyond.  It has become our main weapon in the challenge of the Sons of Light to overcome the Sons of Darkness as was accurately predicted by our ancestors. In fact, there is a book "War of  the Sons of Light  against  the Sons of Darkness" written around 2,000 years ago by the Essenes, a Jewish sect of highly spiritual desert dwellers, which accurately predicts our modern time struggles.

    As with many Hebrew sayings, the specific content reflects a much broader line of thoughts. While the phrase "an entire world" in the Hebrew is understood as Earth, our physical world, it also reflects the saving of the physical and spiritual world of the individual. That means that physically saving an individual has far reaching results. It also means helping the individual's private world of family and friends as well as the individual's inner spiritual world.       

    But how can saving  an individual help to ease the suffering of millions around the world? Any act of kindness such saving a person's life or even a loving thought has an accumulative effect. It contributes in a not so small way to our light of hope for a better world by injecting a small dosage of kindness into the fabric of the our world . As we all know, many points of light eventually illuminates as a powerful ray. 

    Saving even one person's life is indeed a powerful answer to a world growing brutal.  It is a true celebration of the appreciation of life and that indeed will be the light  that will overcome any dark clouds threatening humanity's survival.

  • 20 Jul 2015 1:17 PM | Shirat Shalom (Administrator)

    Our beloved Oreo Cookie let us know that after 17 years he was ready to go across the rainbow bridge and so we helped him with his decision. We used "Lap of Love," a veterinary hospice practice that provides in home euthanasia.  It was such a beautiful, peaceful, loving experience!  Our other two dogs, Cinnamon and Candy  were also present and had the chance to say goodbye as well. What a gift for all of us!

    For the rest of the day, I took some quiet time to  honor Oreo and reflect on how he has enriched all of our lives.  He has certainly been an integral part of Shirat Shalom since the very beginning! As a six month old puppy he participated in our very first Friday evening service which met in our home.  I don't remember how he behaved that night but I do remember that he was always the star attraction when anyone came to the house!

    He especially loved "assisting" during lessons for the B'nai Mitzvah students. He would sit right next to each student on the couch and would guard their notebooks! And yes, if some papers were left out they might get eaten! Oreo was teaching the students to be organized and put things away! 

    B'nai Mitzvah rehearsals meant legs would be licked! I would of course stop him but most families would tell me, "He is fine!" I guess Oreo was preparing the students for all the "people" kisses they would receive  at their ceremonies!

    Oreo had many ways of teaching our students! When he was almost two years old we figured in dog years he was close to 13 and had a "Bark Mitzvah" for him on the last day of Hebrew School. All of the students brought gifts and his best dog friends were invited as well! We put him on a pillow, lifted him in the air and sang "Siman Tov and Mazel Tov!" Some of those students  still remember Oreo's Bark Mitzvah! Recognize anyone? 

    Oreo Cookie also taught many students  the aleph bet! In the beginning years when the K-2nd graders would meet at Miss Susan's house, Oreo would point to the letters with his paw during the aleph-bet song. After class his favorite trick was to run out the door when parents would come to pick up the children.  I guess he thought this all added to the fun of Hebrew School!

    After the younger grades were also moved to Loggers' Run Middle School, Oreo missed his students but he never forgot them! He would always be overjoyed when he would have the opportunity to meet a former student!

    Five years ago when Oreo had emergency surgery and ended up having a kidney taken out it seemed his  teaching career was over.  We had taken him home hoping he would improve but after a week he still wasn't responding to us or eating. We began  preparing ourselves to say goodbye. But it seems that Oreo still had more to teach and that included me as well!

    Each week during Hebrew school when we practice the prayers for lighting the candles we have a ritual of "sending Light" for people, animals and places in the world in need of healing.  This particular night I asked the students to focus on Oreo who was home with Susan.  We sent out our group prayer of Light at 7:10 p.m.  At 7:20 p.m. he all of a sudden perked up, lifted his head and went over to his food dish to eat! A few weeks later he went to school to personally thank the children!

    I  truly learned about the power of prayer that night and the power of our amazing Hebrew School children!  Each year I re-tell this story to our students. And the ones that heard it before... well, they never get tired of hearing it.  

    Thank you Oreo Cookie for teaching us so many lessons, for being a master teacher! Know that your legacy lives on for your students are busy changing our world!

    And the Love you have given to each one of us, the Love we have for you...that Love is forever....

    Oreo with one of his students October 2012

    Oreo Cookie 5/17/98 - 7/19/15

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  • 30 Jun 2015 1:37 PM | Shirat Shalom (Administrator)
    From Rabbi David aka the Reb

    Tisha B'Av (the ninth day of the Hebrew month of Av) is a day dedicated to the mourning of the destruction of the first Temple by the Babylonians in the year 586 BCE and the second Temple by the Romans in the year 70 AD. This year Tisha B'Av will be commemorated on July 26, 2015.

     Jewish people who follow the tradition observe this date with traditional fasting, chanting from the Book of Lamentations which has a uniquely somber melody and following Jewish mourning traditions. It is indeed a solemn day. one can sense it immediately upon entering any synagogue which holds services for the day.

     Amazing! We mourn events which happened thousands  of years ago! The sadness and the sense of lost lingers and lingers generation after generation. The national and religious pain may be somewhat numb by now but it is still very much a part of our collective memory, our collective psyche.

     What is even more amazing is that we mourn the destruction of a place where animal sacrifice was the way to draw us close to G-d. In fact, it was the primary function of the Temple. Today of course, we do not practice animal sacrifice at all and will not even do so if the Temple is to be rebuilt.

     As we explore our spirituality, we now believe that while the Temple's physical building was destroyed, its Holiness never disappeared. As the Temple was burning at the hands of the Babylonians and later on by the Romans, the burning building shifted its energy and its holiness from its burning ashes directly into our living HEARTS. Therefore each  one of us carries the holiness of the Temple, the extension of G-d's spirit, in our Jewish "Neshama," our soul.

     So why mourn the destruction of a building, its main purpose animal sacrifice? If the original two tablets tucked in the Holy of Holies ever survived they would be nothing but sand by now (remember "Raiders of the Lost Ark?")

     It is interesting to note that the 9th day of AV also commemorates other major national disasters in our history which amazingly took place at the same date in different times in our history.  The following are a few of them:

     132 A major revolt against Rome by the Jews led by the Bar Kochbah (53 years after the destruction of the Temple) was crushed

     1095 First Crusade was declared by Pope Urban II. As a result, 10,000 Jews killed in the first month of the Crusade. Death and destruction totally obliterated many communities in Rhineland and France. By comparison to the number of Jews in Europe at the time, the killing was compatible to the 20th century Holocaust.

     1290 Expulsion of Jews from England: Pogroms and confiscation of all Jewish property

     1492 Inquisition in Spain and Portugal culminates in the expulsion of the Jews from the Iberian Peninsual. Families separated, many die by drowning, massive loss of property. The royal expulsion decree was publicized on 9 Av 1492.

     1942 Deportations fro Warsaw Ghetto to the Treblinka concentration camp began

     When reading all these events which happened on the 9th day of the month of Av, we get a different perspective on the significance of the day, especially with the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948 which is now considered one of the most advanced democracies in the world and third in the world of technology.

     While Tisha B'Av is a day of mourning of  some of the many catastrophic events in our history, it has now become a day that symbolizes the triumph of Hope out of repeated disasters, a Phoenix which keeps rising out of the ashes.It reminds us that we are evergreen, indestructible. It re-emphasizes that the Temple is in the heart of every Jew and that the Shechina, the Light  of G-d which once hovered over the Holy of Holies in the Temple (the location of the ark of covenant) is still alive and well in us, the Jewish people, the carriers of G-d's Light.

     May Tisha B'Av remind us to continue to do the job we came here to do, bring this Light  to our families, our communities, Mother Earth, the World!

  • 01 Jun 2015 2:13 PM | Shirat Shalom (Administrator)

    From Cantor Lee

    My community where I live, Boca Winds, is hurting.  A couple of days ago a sweet little Yorkie named Lola was snatched by a coyote while she was just a few feet away from her human in her own front yard.

    Coyotes in Florida? We don't usually hear about this, but yes, they are here. There have actually been sightings of a coyote in our development over the past two months. The homeowner's association hired a trapper for a short period of time which was unsuccessful  and also organized  a meeting tonight to  give all of us more information.

    But it is too late for Lola. As my sister has expressed, she can't even process the grief and horror this family is going though. For many of us whether we have pets or not, we are heartbroken for Lola's family!

    It is only natural that this incident brings up fear and anger for there is a sense of vulnerability, of feeling  unsafe in our own neighborhoods.  Parents are even expressing their fear in letting their children play outside.  I have been watching and feeling this fear and anger go throughout the community. As someone who is sensitive to energy it is very real! As I drove into Boca Winds last evening, this fear and anger was so strong it felt as though it was smacking my body and then grabbing hold of  my heart  and solar plexus! I haven't felt anything like this energy before in our community! Not even during the hurricanes!

    My prayer is that my community comes together not from the place of fear and anger but from a place of peace and support for each other, of listening with open minds whether it is the homeowner's association or each other.  

    Easier said than done, the naysayers all say! But we actually have several tools we can use to help ourselves. When we are fearful or angry the blood drains from our brains and we go into a fight or flight response. One of my favorite tools to dissipate this is to hold my fingers on my forehead right above my eyes and concentrate on breathing.  Staying this way for a few minutes brings the blood back to the brain which allows for clear and calm thinking.

    I am also holding the vision that my community finds the answers we need to move forward and that we once again feel safe. We may need to change the way we put out our garbage and receive training in a number of methods that "teach" the coyotes that being around humans has negative consequences.  

    I am also sending Love from my heart to Lola's family. I am so sorry for your loss! And as for Lola, I know on a higher level,  you sacrificed your life for all of us. We may not be able to fathom this now but I know for me you have helped my heart become even more open. And for this Lola, I thank you! Please know that we will watch out for your beloved humans!   


  • 03 Apr 2015 3:50 PM | Shirat Shalom (Administrator)
    03 Apr 2015 3:50 PM 

    From Cantor Lee 

    Once again the issue of anger was coming to my awareness so I knew to pay attention.  It seemed as though I was getting a re-education, a reminder,  the past few weeks about the various aspects of anger. This morning it came from my neighbor. She was telling me how her autistic teenager was thriving in a yoga class offered at his high school. This amazing program was not only helping the autistic and other special needs teens but the  “regular” students as well.

    “But I am so ___ angry!”  As she began to yell I watched her whole demeanor change. She went on to tell me how a special yoga program was being scheduled on World Autism Awareness Day, April 2nd, but none of the autistic children would be able to attend as it was during the morning when they were all involved in community work programs. “They are going to ____ hear from me! There is no way this program is not going to include the autistic community!”  I thought, I am glad I won’t be the person on the phone when she calls! “But they didn’t do this maliciously, did they? They just didn’t realize…”  She cut me off and screamed “they just didn’t think! They never think! I am an advocate for my child and this program will be changed!” I replied, “yes, you have come to earth to do just that, advocate for your child.” She answered, “exactly and it might kill me in the meantime!”

    I continued on my walk and sent Light to the situation and gratitude that I didn’t absorb any of her anger as I had a couple of weeks beforehand when I  had witnessed an exchange between a mother and her child in my classroom . As I watched  the energy of the anger go straight from the mother’s eyes into the child’s eyes,  the child actually recoiled!  I have absolutely no  judgment about this, there were plenty of times I became angry with my own children as they were growing up! But I didn’t realize at the time that this anger also affected me. With my next class of students, I lost my temper which is very much out of character for me. Fortunately I caught myself in the middle of it and apologized to the class.  I realized later that I had absorbed the earlier energy of anger.  As an empath,  I have had to learn how to not absorb other people’s emotions but it still sometimes happens.

    Over the next few weeks, I had dreams of anger, heard other people’s stories of anger and even noticed that the Torah portions deal with anger. Okay, so what is the meaning, the blessing in all of this, I wondered? And then I understood that this time leading up to Passover is an opportunity for us to let go of anything that is still keeping us angry, and sometimes the issues are buried so deeply within us, we aren’t even aware of them! Passover is a holiday of freedom, but we have to work on staying free!

    I meditated and asked to see any people or  issues  with which  I am still carrying anger and asked that they be taken from my energy field. I did this a few times and do feel Lighter! My now lighter energy field will also affect others connected to me and that is definitely a blessing!

    May  we all be blessed with freedom this Passover!

    From Rabbi David aka The Reb

    When  Jacob’s  family, 75 members strong left for Egypt to the fertile land of Goshen,  they went to meet  their  beloved  Joseph, now a powerful leader only second in command to the Pharaoh, in order to ride out the  famine in Canaan.  They could have returned back  to their home land once the famine  was over  they did not. After all  their brother was the ruler of the land.

    The members of the family  could have returned to Canaan  once Joseph died some  40 years or so. There was no reason  to stay  any more. They still did not. We know  the rest of the story  of course.

    From a bird’s eye view we can conclude  that  the reason  for staying was a Divine  Will to create a yearning and struggle for freedom among the Hebrew slaves a few centuries later.  But  whose  struggle was it?

    When Moses first returned to Egypt and announced that he will free the slaves the Hebrews ridiculed him as a strange dreamer. Yet they cried out  to G-D to save them from their suffering. A great struggle for freedom ensued. But was it really a human  struggle  for freedom? Was it one nation’s war against tyranny and enslavement?  Remember  that  the Israelites  were totally passive in their bid for freedom as if it wasn’t their fight. In fact, as the Torah demonstrates several times later on in the desert, some of them were quite content remaining slaves.

    This is in fact a story of a Divine fight for human freedom but not a human struggle.

    So let me understand this. The Old Mighty makes the Hebrews stay in Egypt after the death of Joseph with no good reason, then causes them to become slaves and then fights the pharaoh  to free them. What a strange sequence of events!

    When  G-D  created humans he got directly involved in the act. He did not command it to happen like he did for all other animals . Rather, he himself physically  made a human shape from the dirt of the earth and breathed life into it.  The human being is so close to Godliness that G-D felt the need to make Adam with his “Bare hands”

    The idea that the Passover  freedom struggle is a Divine war against oppression for the sake of mankind is the same as the idea of human creation. When Moses finally yanked the Israelites out of Pharaoh’s grip, the message to mankind  through the Hebrews and us, their descendants was profound, that human freedom is our fundamental right.  G-d  implanted this within us through the ancient struggle  with a tyrant Pharaoh.  No one can take it away from us. It is basic to our existence just as the Divine physical intervention in our creation is basic to who we are.

    Passover is the time when we remember that the Light of Freedom and Decency  was put in the Jewish heart and soul some 3,300 years ago to watch over and keep alive in a world that  would  despise freedom for many centuries to come.

    We are still carrying it in our hearts. Our children inherit it from us to keep it safe in their hearts until such time that peace and freedom will no longer be in our prayers  but in our world.

    May it be so this Passover!

  • 01 Mar 2015 4:00 PM | Shirat Shalom (Administrator)

    From Cantor Lee 

    My sister and I had quite an adventure the other day! When she woke up in the morning ,my sister discovered an opossum which we later discovered was a female,  fast asleep on a chair in her screened in patio! The opossum had come in through the cat door during the night and decided that one of the cat’s favorite chairs would make a nice place to sleep! Of course the opossum was quite content but the cats wouldn’t come inside and the dogs couldn’t get to the backyard.  My sister opened  the patio door open hoping the opossum would eventually leave. We even sent  thought messages to her during the day that the door was open but eight hours later, the opossum was still there.

    Of all days for Rabbi David to be gone! After googling opossums and finding out that the opossum would probably be more scared of us then we were of her, my sister and I devised a plan! We didn’t want to get too close so we decided to use brooms to push the chair with sleeping opossum on it to the door!  Hopefully she would wake up and leave. But halfway to the door, the opossum woke up and fell off the chair! She immediately played possum and pretended to be dead.

    Now what!!  At that point I said, “is there a neighbor we can ask to help?” And lo and behold a neighbor across the street who just happened to be outside and who just happened to love opossums said of course he would help! Thank you universe! I love it when it all comes together! The neighbor put a towel on top of the opossum’s head, picked her up and carried her to his backyard. Later on his wife told me he wanted to bring the opossum into the house but she put her foot down! In the backyard, yes, in the house no!

    In spiritual teachings when an animal crosses our path in an unusual way, we are being brought a message. So of course, I looked up the messages opossums bring in “Animal Speak” by Ted Andrews and learned that Opossums teach us how to use  appearances for our greatest benefit. For example sometimes the best course of action is to “play dead” and not respond to verbal attacks or rumors. In certain situations we  may need to appear to be fearless when inside we are terrified! The energy of opossums can help us see if others are being deceptive.  Hmmm…interesting and food for thought!

    In further thinking I realized that the holiday of Purim,  only a week and a half away from the opossum adventure is also about appearances. We even dress up in costumes altering our appearances! In the story of Queen Ester much that is hidden is revealed! Okay, G-d, you have caught my attention!! I will definitely be paying attention to appearances for awhile!

    So thank you  Opossum for bringing us your message. Please know I am also so grateful you are happy and safe in your new home in the neighbor’s backyard!! Hope your three babies are doing well! Yes, the neighbor told us they were hidden in your pouch. Seems this is truly a week of revelation!!

  • 27 Feb 2015 3:59 PM | Shirat Shalom (Administrator)

    From Rabbi David aka The Reb

    Yet  again the month of Adar is upon which  means that  the holiday  of Purim is not far   behind. I will be  reneging  on my duty as your rabbi  if I will not  recite for you this year’s  story of Purim , the greatest intrigue saga  that has ever told  by  humans, especially  the Jewish kind!  It took  place  in the 4th  century BCE, at least that’s  what the historians  say, go trust them…

    Achashverosh,  King of Persia  ruled  over a huge  empire  which  included India  and parts of Africa.  Since  he  enjoyed  the attention he was getting he maintained  a very rigorous  royal obligation of partying  24/7. Of course  members of the media  would park  on his front  royal lawn  documenting  and  reporting  all the details of who was who  showing up for the on going celebrations.

    All state matters  were left for the secretary  of state,  the big Honcho, the big egomaniac fellow  by the name of Haman. Haman  had aspirations! He had dreams, ambition,  hopes,  desires, a  purpose  in life! He was a self made, proud man.  The problem  was  he was a ruthless  evil man.  His agenda  was very clear. Unseat  Achasverosh  the King and become the King of Persia.

    In order to achieve  his goal  he needed  to find a way  to gain  control of the military, both the army  and the navy. (Forget  the Air Force,  that  would not happen  for another 2500 years.)  What  he really needed  was a scapegoat  in order to  unite  the Persians  through common hatred, thus becoming  their leader. (Sound  familiar?)

    One  day  as he was walking  in the streets of Shushan,  the capital of Persia,   to get something to eat at a local pub, he enjoyed watching everyone  bow down  to him. Yes, he was quite pleased with the law he enacted,  “On Your Knees” under the City of  Shushan  statues  and regulations.

    Then it happened! Much  to his dismay,  a man  by the name of  Mordecai,  A Jew of course,  refused to bow down  to him!  While  being upset, a thought came to his evil mind,  “This is exactly what I was looking for” he said to himself. “This is the window of opportunity  I was praying  for to the gods of Persia , may they live a long life and  be blessed!  I will unite my fellow countryman in the hatred of the Jews, kill them all, become the undisputed leader of the people and  grab the kingdom  from this Idiot  Achashverosh!”

    Meantime  King Achashverosh  had banished  his wife, Queen Vashti, out of  Persia!! Don’t ask. It was one of those stupid acts of his while being intoxicated.  Something about asking her to dance in front of his drunken  guests. She refused, he was insulted….. whatever.  Bottom line: He needed  a new queen.

    So  there was a royal competition between  all the eligible  women of the kingdom who competed for the title. The king  was looking first and foremost for an intelligent, bright  well educated  woman (Yea, Sure…)

    As  the story  goes,  Esther  the Jewess,   won  the competition  fair  and square  and became  the queen of Persia. The  irony  was that she was indeed  smart  and pretty(according to the Persian  TV channel one and two,  but  go believe  the media…  )

    At that point  Haman had already  convinced  the king to let him organize  a full pogrom against the Jews and to command the army for this event. The plan was to first hang Mordecai the Jew in downtown Shushan, right  near the central horse station.  This was to get Mordecai back after Haman had to take him around on the King’s horse proclaiming “This is the man the king wishes to honor.!” It seems that Mordecai had uncovered a plot to kill the king and this was his reward. But of course  Mordecai did not really plan to be hanged. He  needed to put a stop  to this “Mishegaas”  being perpetrated  by Haman .

    In a secret conference with Esther the queen,  who also happened to be his niece, he demanded  that due to this urgent matter, she swing into swift action.  The queen was actually afraid  to initiate contact with her husband  since an unsolicited initiative  could cause her own life.  But considering the urgency  of  the matter, after all, the life of many Jews was on the line. plus the  dirty politics of taking charge of the Army illegally  by that evil man,  Haman had to be stopped.

    So  she agreed  to take  the challenge. After not eating  for three days  and going into prayers and seclusion, she was now  nice  and  trim. She could wear that dress which won her the queen competition. The rest is history.  She successfully invited the king and Haman to a party where she revealed to her husband  that she was in fact, Jewish  and that Haman wanted to kill all the Jews  including her.

    Well, that was all the king needed to hear. He got so upset  that he could not bring himself to party  and drink for a week.  He immediately  order the execution of Haman,  ordered his army to not to hurt  the Jews  and promoted  Mordecai  to be his secretary of state, chief negotiator with Iran  on nuclear matters. And that is basically how the Jews were saved by Esther the Queen and Mordecai the secretary of state.

    This is my story  and I am sticking by it.

    The Hidden Stuff: So why even tell this story which we do year after year after year? Of course like everything in Judaism there are many reasons – oy that again!  But it seems that in addition to bringing Joy into our lives which comes with the holiday and actually the Hebrew month of Adar, Purim also has to do with revealing that which has been hidden.  The hidden plot to kill the king is revealed by Mordecai, Queen Ester’s hidden identity as  a Jewess is revealed, Haman’s hidden agenda is revealed with his plan to kill the Jews.

    Purim asks us to look at that which is hidden deep within our own selves. The rabbis say that dressing up in costumes even allows us to experience our alter egos. Once the hidden is revealed we can identify our hidden aspirations and examine our lower natures.  We can then take action if needed  and indeed emerge triumphant!

    So just in case you are wondering which costume I will be wearing this year for Purim….I have to look into my alter ego…

    Happy Purim!

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