שירת שלום Song of Peace |
Rabbi's Discretionary Fund
Shelly and Les Sigale in honor of 80th birthday of Joel Lebovitz. Mazel Tov!
Shelly and Les Sigale in honor of 50th anniversary of Chris & Mike Katz. Mazel Tov!
Shelly and Les Sigale with prayers for our remaining brothers & sisters held hostage
Shelly and Les Sigale in memory of our deceased/murdered hostages
Shelly and Les Sigale in loving memory of Warren Rose
Tamara Levine in honor of her son, Ryan's 's recent marriage to Emily. Mazel Tov!
Shaina Anderson in honor of her recent marriage. Mazel Tov!
Merrie and Eli Anker in honor of their granddaughter, Noa, becoming a Bat Mitzvah. Mazel Tov!
Shelly & Les Sigale in honor of the upcoming marriage of Marilyn Rappaport and Bob Feldman. Mazel Tov!
Shelly & Les Sigale in loving memory of the Weisler Family's mother
Myra Glajchen & David Cohen in loving memoy of Eunice & Sidney Saltz
Jill Upson
Faith Weiner
Shelly and Les Sigale for a Misheberach
Peter Kuper and family in loving memory of Margie Kuper
Abbey Kushner in honor of Ziona Abraham
Barbara & Mark Hoodack
Dr. & Mrs. Steve Perman
Mel & Lynda Schriever
Robert &Fern Novicoff
Joel Friedman
Ila and Alan Fishman in loving memory of Craig Friedland
Bruce Saltz
Shelly Sigale MiSheberach for Les
Cantor Marsha Stein
Stephan and Gail Pasternack in honor of Rabbi David's "29th" birthday & college graduation of grandson, Jacob!
Linda Young in honor of Rabbi David's "29th" birthday & MiSheberach for Marisa Siciliano
Shelly Sigale in honor of birdays of Les Sigale and Andrew Cook!
Shelly & Les Sigale in honor of graduation of Ryan and Rachel Greenberg!
Shelly & Les Sigale in honor of Rabbi David's "29th" birthday!!
Rhoda Weiner in honor of Rabbi David's "29th" birthday!!
The Renko Family in honor of Rabbi David's "29th" birthday!!
Sylvia Taub in honor of Rabbi David's "29th" birthday!!
Paula & Al Waller in honor of Rabbi David's "29th" birthday!!
The Reyes Family in honor of Rabbi David's "29th" birthday!!
The Pinsker Family in honor of Rabbi David's "29th" birthday!!
Marlene Harris in honor of Rabbi David's "29th" birthday!!
Debbie & David Saft & Corey Brown in honor of Rabbi David's "29th" birthday!!
Aimee & Romeo Fernandez in honor of Rabbi David's "29th" birthday!!
Stefan A. Pasternack, M.D. in loving memory of Sidney Saltz, father of Bruce Saltz
Dr. Lisa Schulman & Steven Hein in loving memory of Sidney Saltz, father of Bruce Saltz
Tree of Life
The Torah Study Group in Loving Memory of our "Bar Mitzvah Boy" Leo Weiner
Amalia and Jose Gutman in loving memory of Salomon Gutman
Amalia and Jose Gutman in loving memory of Maximo Friedman
Torah Study Group in Loving Memory of Estelle, Haber, mother of Susan Klevansky
The Greenberg family in honor of Skylar's Bat MItzvah!
The Torah Study Group in loving memory of Cecil Godstein, mother of Jan Estrine
Jennifer, Ava and Elyse in n Loving Memory of Michael Brachfeld
Mildred Berman in honor of Rhoda Weiner's 80th Birthday!
Torah Fund
Robin Hodes in loving memory of Tzvi Degani, father of Rabbi David
Lisa Bennett in loving memory of Tzvi Degani, father of Rabbi David
Paula and Alvin Waller in loving memory of Tzvi Degani, father of Rabbi David
The Renko family in loving memory of Tzvi Degani, father of Rabbi David
Robin Eckmann in loving memory of Tzvi Degani, father of Rabbi David
Debbie & David Saft and Corey Brown in loving memory of Tzvi Degani, father of Rabbi David
The Pinsker Family in loving memory of Tzvi Degani, father of Rabbi David
The Asbury Family in loving memory of Tzvi Degani, father of Rabbi David
Heather and Elmer Reyes in loving memory of Tzvi Degani, father of Rabbi David
Gandparents of Anita and Sophia Reyes in loving memory of Tzvi Degani, father of Rabbi David
Dora Carter in loving memory of Tzvi Degani, father of Rabbi David