Anyone who has ever heard my cat, Keshet Star, express herself knows she can be quite vocal! Under her tutelage (she prefers I learn through the trial and error method) I have pretty much figured out what most of her sounds mean such as: "I like my water fresh!" "When you sit down to eat that means put more food in my bowl even if it is already full!" "Come help me! I have a lizard cornered!" "Time to pet me so stop what you are doing!" I have also learned that her spinning dance around the house with accompanying cat chant is for the purpose of transmuting energy.
But a few weeks ago when she awakened me with a most plaintive cry, I was at a loss as to what she was trying to communicate. Since it was 4:30 a.m. (yes 4:30 a.m. - sigh...) and I certainly didn't want to disturb my husband, I dragged myself out of bed. "What is it Keshet? Do you need more food? Is your water bowl empty?"
She seemed quite pleased I was now awake and attending to her needs but not so afterwards when I returned to the bed. Still trying to avoid waking my husband, I took her into the guest room. She was happy with this arrangement and let me go back to sleep. But an hour later she woke me up with the same cry! Still half asleep I made plans to later take her to the vet but how was I to help her now! Soon the whole neighborhood would be knocking on my door!
Somehow the thought came to radiate Love from my heart and send it to her so I began doing so and within a few seconds she stopped! Now I was really awake. Was this a coincidence?
She seemed fine for the rest of the morning so I decided to wait with the vet idea. But later in the afternoon she again began emitting "the cry!" As I did in the morning I radiated Love to her and once again she stopped within a few seconds! Over the next few days this became a game we intermittently played. Cry-Send Love, Cry-Send Love, Cry-Send Love!
But one day the technique didn't work and she continued with "the cry!" After realizing I hadn't been in a peaceful state and truly in my heart, I tried again. This time it worked!
I have become more cognizant of this simple tool we all naturally have that can be used for any situation difficult or otherwise. Especially on my walks as I used to do, I have gone back to radiating Love to the trees, the sky, the water....everyone I meet along the way! And since all that Love is returned to me, you can just imagine how uplifting that feels!
Keshet hasn't emitted "the cry" in weeks so she must be happy with me her student. I am certainly happy she is my teacher!
I think I will radiate some Love to tell her so!
And after that I will ask her what grade I received...Hope she gave me an "A!"

Radiating Love
There are so many ways to radiate Love! Here is a simple technique I teach to parents:
- Set the intention you will Radiate Love from your Heart.
- Put your hand on your heart and close your eyes.
- Take four slow breaths in and out. Feel as though you are breathing into your heart.
- Think of someone you deeply Love such as your child or pet.
- Focus on that warm feeling inside your heart.
- Radiate that feeling outwards and send it to your Loved One.
- You may wish to imagine there are beams of Light radiating from your heart.
- You may wish to add the silent words "I Love you, " or even visualize them written. (I like to use the Hebrew word for Love which is Ahavah)
- However you radiate Love is just purr....fect!

Love, Lee & Keshet