While I was out of town recently, an adorable 11 year old took care of my cat, Keshet Star. She was so thrilled with the gift I brought her, "Worry Dolls!" We read the instructions together which say to tell each doll a worry and then put them under your pillow. The next morning the worries will be gone! "This is perfect," she exclaimed! "'Cause I worry a lot!"
After she excitedly showed her mother the dolls, the mother then shared the bedtime ritual they have each night. The daughter tells her mother all the things that bothered her during the day. The daughter continued," I just need my mom to say, "it is okay" or "yes" and I feel better. I don't have it inside me anymore." She looked at her mother and continued, "and even when my mother isn't really listening and just says, "hmmmm", it doesn't even matter, I still feel better." Her mother answered with such Love, "But I am always listening, even when you think I am not!"
My heart was so touched by this love exchange, with knowing this child is growing up with such an amazing gift of being able to hand over her worries! As I went on my walk the next day I thought, "what a different world it would be if all children could just hand over their worries. If adults could.... "
We actually have numerous tools to release our worries. Whether we use worry dolls, meditation, journaling (my practice) or even a hot bath, all can "clear us out" allowing for a peaceful night.
In Judaism there is even a set of prescribed prayers called the Bedtime Sh'ma. There are many variations but my favorite begins with a prayer of forgiveness for those who have hurt us and includes calling on the Archangels to guard us as we sleep. Here is a variation on youtube used in summer camps.
And of course, according to our belief system, we can always call on the Archangels, our Guides, Guardian Angels, Mother Earth, Higher Beings, Higher Self, G-d.....
For just like a loving mom, they too are always standing by, listening, ready to take our worries. We just need to set the intention by asking and then hand them over!
Sweet Dreams Dear Reader! May we all have Peaceful Nights!

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