I recently had one of those kinds of experiences that I will always remember.
It actually began on a Friday evening, April 8th, during a Kabbalat Shabbat service. (Welcoming the Shabbat.) I was asked to put one of our members on the list for healing but didn't know the reason why. During the healing prayer (MiSheberach) I made sure to focus on her.
In speaking to the member afterwards I learned that she had an infected cyst on her back that was quite serious. We were both in awe that Rabbi David had talked about the Biblical and spiritual view of skin disease that evening as it was the subject of that week's Torah portion, Tazria. We both agreed this was definitely not just a coincidence!
The next morning 13 of us from our Torah Study Group met for our bi-monthly Shabbat Circle. We were also bringing blessings for our hosts' new salt water pool. The weather was absolutely beautiful so we decided to have our prayer circle outside on the patio. As is our custom, when it came time to read from the Torah, we gathered around the table making sure we were all connected to each other by the tallitot, prayer shawls we were wearing and sharing.
I stood right beside Rabbi David. I was holding onto the bottom part of the eitz chayim, the wooden rollers, with one hand and saw that the woman with the skin infection was right across from me holding onto one of the wooden rollers as well. As soon as Rabbi David chanted the first Hebrew word of the Torah portion a huge energy burst out! It was so strong that it pushed me back and I momentarily lost my balance. I quickly grounded myself as the chanting of the Torah portion continued.
Afterwards without telling him why, I asked Rabbi David if he felt anything when he first began chanting and he said, yes, there was a burst of energy. I then asked the woman with the skin infection. She told me that the energy went through the wooden roller up her arm and settled right on the infection. She also knew beforehand that she needed to be connected to the Torah and made sure to hold onto one of the rollers. As the evening before, we were both in so much awe!
Later on as I pondered all this further I understood that the Light contained in the words discussing skin problems is specifically meant to help heal skin disease. With the energy of our group and the intentions for healing the Light in the words was able to be released.
On June 11th at sundown Jews celebrate Shavuot, the giving of the Torah to Moses on Mt. Sinai. May we all, no matter our religion or beliefs, receive the ongoing blessings of the Torah!