שירת שלום

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Awakening Joy! A Journey of Love and Healing

  • 10 Feb 2024
  • 9:30 AM - 4:00 PM
  • In Person in West Boca Raton or Virtually

Awakening Joy! A Journey of Love and Healing

Joy is our natural state of being. Yet being in Joy when we are others are suffering can feel like a betrayal. What if Deeper Joy is the answer to not only transform ourselves but to bring Peace and create Heaven on Earth, our mission as the Jewish people?  

Join Rabbi David Degani and Cantor Lee Degani for a Shabbat Workshop on the first day of Adar, Month of Joy and receive the energies through the Kabbalah's Teachings to activate and utilize this state of Deep Joy Joy even if you usually find Joy elusive!

Choose In Person in West Boca Raton or Virtual.  A recording will be available and contain the same energies as the live workshop.

Register Here

Workshop Includes:

  • One Full Day, 6 1/2 Hours Together heart to heart, of virtual and in person attendees with the Council of Love, a huge umbrella group under G-D of archangels, enlightened beings, prophets, Kabbalah masters and teachers.

  • Learning, receiving and applying the mystical secrets and spiritual tools of transformation under the guidance of the Council of Love. The most important parts of the workshop are the energetic downloads, healing transmissions, and attunements from the Council that build your personal grid allowing you to heal, expand and hold more Divine Light

  • Saturday Morning: Harmonizing with Divine Radiance as we balance the Tri-Flames within our hearts, ascend to the throne of G-D and receive the Angel of Joy Attunement. Integrating the energy of Adar, the Month of Joy, along with the frequencies of the New Magenta Children and Cities of Light as the initial level of Joy is activated.

  • Heart Lunch: Heart Sharing our experiences, thoughts, feelings while eating together, in person and virtual attendees.

  • Saturday Afternoon: Activating the Essence of Joy that is infused within each Divine Quality. Aligning with the Kabbalah's Prescription for Joy. Entering the Golden River of Joy to release blockages and ignite the Deeper Level of Joy, bringing healing and transformation to ourselves and the collective. Receiving practical gifts  to further integrate Joy into daily life and stay in the highest vibrations.

Access Joy and Bring Peace Within and Without!   

From Rabbi Jonathan Sacks: "A people that can know the full darkness of history and yet rejoice is a people whose spirit no power on Earth can ever break."

Sign up Here!


 Phone: 561.488.8079    P.O. Box 971142, Boca Raton, FL, 33497-1142

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