It was going to be the first event for our congregation since the quarantine began. A puppy naming where any dog without a Hebrew name would receive one. It really isn’t part of our tradition to give pets Hebrew names as we do humans. But it has become a Shirat Shalom tradition. I guess mostly because it is just so much fun! Here was the invitation:
Although connected in our hearts,
We've been physically apart,
So we’re hoping seeing you in person
can now gently start!
Our yard is Huge, so please stop by,
We’ve missed you and just want to say Hi!
If you don’t have a doggy, just bring a stuffed one!
Or come by yourself, and join the fun!
If your puppy needs a Hebrew name
Rabbi David will bestow one with Love,
Or you can pick a Yiddish one
And we’ll all shout Mazel Tov!

Even though the gathering was going to be outside in my backyard I still wondered, would anyone come? People were still reluctant to be in groups as several members told me. But eight dogs sent in a RSVP and would be bringing their humans.

The morning of I wondered again, would anyone come? With torrential downpours all week and rain still predicted, it wouldn’t be easy to be outside in the high humidity of South Florida.
But in the end five dogs did come along with seven children and their parents. When I saw the children I knew G-d was fully creating with me. These were my special crystal and rainbow kids who would be radiating their powerful Light throughout our gathering!

The first activity was to decorate a fan with anything about our doggies that warms our hearts. I was so glad I finally found a use for the straw fans I had been saving. Not only would they help everyone stay cool, but they were perfect for our activity and my plan for later!
For the naming ceremony we began with the traditional thanksgiving blessing using the words on the fans. Each doggie was featured.
Here is an example: Baruch Atah Adonai Eloheinu melech Haolam who makes Brooklyn a cutie! (Blessed are you Adonai, our G-d, Creator of the world who makes Brooklyn a cutie! )

Then each family sang the song they had composed. The instructions were to change the lyrics to a Hebrew song and you guessed it, make it about their doggie! In this song, David Melech Yisrael, Lily the dog becomes a queen! You can just imagine how much we all laughed since Lily really is queen of the house!

Rabbi David then gave each dog their Hebrew name and had us laughing even more! This dog, a Russell Terrier, yes named Russell, received the Hebrew name Ratz which means “Run!” You can probably figure out the connection!
Kiwi received the Hebrew name Karmel which is a mountain in Israel!

Brooklyn received the Hebrew name Simcha which means Joy!

Lily received the Hebrew name Meshuggah which you probably already know means Crazy!

We ended with the chanting of the Sh'ma that declares that we are all One with G-d and each other. Keeping this Oneness in mind, I asked everyone to wave their fans as we sang, radiating our love and gratitude for our doggies into the world.

I knew Shechina's Love Energy that answered was saying thank you! I told everyone to keep fanning and radiating!

We continued to have such a wonderful time being together afterwards. The weather turned out to be beautiful with such a strong breeze we didn’t even feel the humidity! I thanked G-d as well as the weather elementals for answering my prayers, for their part of our co-creation.
As we talked I heard the same theme others have been telling me. The appreciation for slowing down, for time together with their children. The gratitude for the gifts of Mother Earth - Gaia, such as a butterfly’s dance, a gecko on a leaf, a seed that grows into a plant.

We couldn’t hug each other as we said goodbye but as my friend recently told me we will never again take hugs for granted.
Afterwards I expressed my gratitude to all including my doggie, Cinnamon, who joined us from over the rainbow bridge. I told her, “There was so much Love at the Puppy Naming!” “Of course!” Cinnamon whispered in my ear as she licked it at the same time. “After all, what is DOG spelled backwards?!”

I thought about this for a moment. "Exactly Lee," said Eliza, a dear friend's angel doggie. "It spells Love.”

♥Love, Lee & all the Doggies!♥

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