Most people who know me also know I love to set tables and create beautiful tablescapes! Of course, cooking is another matter!
Since my husband, Rabbi David, and I will be hosting our very first Virtual Kabbalat Shabbat! (Welcoming in Shabbat) of course I wanted to set the table for it!
When setting a table I just let the ideas flow, knowing that I am being inspired and guided by my Higher Self. With this table the guidance was to make the table golden and filled with Joy! Somehow this was all related to the fact that corona means crown. But I had no idea why or how it was all connected. But I went with the inspiration and played with the dishes setting my table.
I ended up with this table filled with golden Joy!

The coffee pot represents the pouring out of compassion and love for each other and our earth. The dove represents the inner peace we can still feel now and for a whole new world of Peace and Love. The flowers represent rebirth that yes, we will all experience!

Creating a tablescape and then enjoying it always fills me with Joy! And this tablescape is no exception! But it seems it has an even greater purpose especially now as being filled with Joy is one of the best ways to keep my frequency or vibration very high. And that not only boosts my immune system but helps me stay above the fear.
I looked up more about the word “corona” when I was done and learned that one of the definitions of corona refers to the fiery halo around the sun. But it can only be seen during a solar eclipse or with special instruments. It is also the hottest part of the sun. t
Well that just fascinated me. I know as a Jewish person and Lightworker my job is to bring Light into the world. But I personally only see that actual spiritual Light when in meditation, prayer or going deep within. But just like the sun’s corona, it is definitely there!
In contemplating this further I realized that just as we do with interpreting the Torah portions there can be so many additional interpretations for my table. One interpretation can be that right now the world is going through a deep cleansing and awakening leading us into the Golden Age. Perhaps that is why the table needed to have gold!
I so hope you will also feel Joy with seeing my table! And perhaps you will find your own interpretation of what it means. I would love to hear it!
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