Jewish tradition is rich with stories and teachings about light, often symbolizing knowledge, wisdom, and divine presence. One particularly well-known story is the creation of the first light in the world, which is often connected to the concept of Or HaGanuz, the Hidden Light.
In the beginning, when God created the world, He first created a special, intense light. This light was so powerful that it allowed one to see from one end of the world to the other. It was not just a physical light but a spiritual one, illuminating all of existence with divine clarity.
However, God saw that this light was too powerful for the world as it would be in the future. He knew that there would be wicked people who would misuse this incredible light, so He decided to hide it away for a future time when it could be safely revealed.
This hidden light, Or HaGanuz, is said to be reserved for the righteous in the world to come, where it will once again shine forth. But even though the light is hidden, it is believed that a spark of it remains in the Torah, the sacred texts, and in acts of kindness and justice. Whenever someone does something good, a little bit of that hidden light is revealed in the world.
This story teaches that there is a divine light within every good deed and that each act of kindness reveals a bit of that hidden light. It also suggests that true wisdom and enlightenment are accessible through study, righteousness, and spiritual practice. The story encourages people to seek the light in their own lives and to spread it through their actions, helping to bring the world closer to the divine state of Peace it was meant to be in.
This narrative is often told around Hanukkah, the Jewish festival of lights, which celebrates the miracle of the menorah burning for eight days with only enough oil for one. The story of the Hidden Light adds depth to the idea that light symbolizes hope, resilience, and the divine presence that guides the Jewish people.
As we light the Chanukah candles this year, may we all together bring forth the Hidden Light.
Chag Chanukah Sameach, Happy Chanukah!
Rabbi David
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