שירת שלום

Song of Peace

Accounting by Rabbi David Degani

14 Mar 2023 1:27 PM | Shirat Shalom (Administrator)

This week we read two Torah portions, Vayakhel (“He Assembled”) and Pekudei (“Accountings Of”) Artists chosen by G-D begin building the Mishkan. (Tabernacle) * We learn of Betzalel, the head architect and Oholiav, a master teacher and craftsman who are filled with G-D’s spirit as they begin the construction. With the donations given by the people, there is an open counting of the gold, silver and copper used to build the Mishkan. When all is complete G-D’s presence comes into the Mishkan with a cloud resting on top of it during the day and a fire by night. When the cloud would lift, this would be a signal for the Israelites to journey to their next stop in the  desert. 

During our soul’s journey, we learn from this portion that we are to be partners with G-D in all that we do. When we live in this state there is transparency among the community such as in the open counting of the donations from the people. We each use the gifts G-D has given us whether it is as a teacher, builder, artist or leader.  

Pekudei now closes the Book of Exodus.  The next three books of the Torah contain the  journeys of the Israelites in the desert and the laws needed to form a new society. 

Although I will not be continuing this series I have appreciated sharing the Torah’s wisdom of Genesis and Exodus with you and wish you many blessings as you take your own soul journeys. 

Rabbi David

* Every week a section of the Torah is read throughout the week. There are always many levels of understanding with each week's portion. The Torah portions also have energies that can be utilized to help us navigate though our daily lives not only during the week the specific portion is read but any time it is needed.

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