שירת שלום

Song of Peace

The Voice from Above by Rabbi David Degani

28 Jan 2022 8:33 PM | Shirat Shalom (Administrator)

The biblical story of Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden does not really end too well. Both are prohibited  from entering the garden. 

After eating  from the Tree of Knowledge a fundamental change occurs in both of them. From being highly spiritual beings in a physical form roaming in the utopian world of the Garden of Eden they become physical beings where spiritual matters are hidden from them. 

They are now relegated to living in the harsh reality of the mundane. While the fruit from the Tree Knowledge gave them sophistication along with the  ability to analyze and create, it also initiated some undesirable human traits all too familiar to us. 

As humans evolved they began to believe in supernatural powers controlling their lives. Man made objects such as idols as well as phenomena from nature, all fueled  primitive imaginations. 

A lot of water has raged in the Mississippi since then. Judaism of course brought to the world monotheism, the understanding  that the universe  is overseen by a universal, invisible, moral based G-D who has no physical shape and who cares and has a direct relationship with us.  In order to draw closer to G-D and enjoy a state of inner peace and  joy we in our modern world practice various meditation techniques which also includes prayer.  

While immersed in the world of science during college I tended to think that any phenomenon or human ability that is not science based or could not be logically explained may not be real.

Although I grew up in a religious home where spiritual experiences were the norm, in those days of questioning, I was somewhat skeptical of the hidden gifts and abilities which can be activated through the meditative state prayer brings. Of course, some people have enhanced cognitive abilities. We call them geniuses but these have always been considered high positions within the human brain’s spectrum. 

These days I consider myself privileged to have a glimpse of our human hidden abilities and even more privileged to help our students reach some of these capabilities.     

When Cantor Lee and I first began working with our students to activate their ability to “see” blindfolded and thus improve in Hebrew, we were amazed to witness that yes, while in the right meditative state they could easily see without their physical eyes. This included recognizing colors as well as reading books effortlessly, even when placed behind them. Some children were able to recognize words shown to them in a different room. 

Over the past five years we have learned even further what can be experienced when accessing the higher state. For example some  students can now multiply three digit numbers without going through the actual calculation process. 

These experiences shed a different light on understanding the Bible’s stories. 

Last week we read about one of the most profound events in human history. The entire nation of Israel hears the voice of G-D from Mt. Sinai as He recites the Ten Commandments. G-D then reminds them that they all heard his voice; from the old to the young.  

Is it possible? And what about all the miracles performed  by Moses or Joshua? What about  the prophets  being able to foretell the future with accuracy?

After the experiences with our students, I have no doubt of our human ability to do amazing things, many which we may not even be aware of yet, once in the higher meditative state. 

And who knows, maybe one day science will be able to explain and describe all of these abilities. 

But one thing I do know. It gives me hope that these gifts can be used to repair our world, Tikun Olam. And that is not a small thing. 

Rabbi David 

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